Grand Opening Event Was a Huge Success

IMGBAT Blog post, Uncategorized Grand Opening Event Was a Huge Success
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Glendale residents, friends, fans and family of IMGBAT Jewelry, Art & Engraving turned out in impressive numbers to celebrate the grand opening of the brick and mortar store. Brian Taylor, owner and artist says he was elated with the turn out. “I was hoping for a dozen or so people. Instead, scores of people dropped in the welcome me.”

The April 26 event included pizza from GlendALE Brewery, delicious desserts from the one and only Marilyn Washington, wine and other refreshments. The event was so successful, Taylor said, that he might “look at doing similar events in the future to coincide with activities other Historic Glendale shops organize.

Mike Kramer is featured in the store for his very artistic lighting devices. More artists will be added soon.
“Special thanks to my mom, dad, and brother who tirelessly staffed the event.” Taylor continued, “And I am forever grateful for so many of my friends that offered a piece of themselves and their talents to make the store and the event a success. This includes,” Taylor mentioned, “The organizers of makers events across the city, the gave me a feel for how the public receives my art.”


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