Rock, Paper, Scissors

IMGBAT Blog post Rock, Paper, Scissors
Rock, Paper, Scissors post thumbnail

Nearly all of us played this game as kids and some of us deploy this ritual of chance to decide who buys dinner or who will be the designated driver. But what if rock ultimately beats paper? For me, I believe, it has.

A passion was born in me by pure accident. I began making jewelry during the winter of 2019. Clumsily, at first, and just for fun. But I loved making those initial resin pieces and eventually progressed to metal. With copious amounts of study and practice, I grew into a bonafide metalsmith. I joined the vendor’s circuit and have had some real success.

That passion fueled a growing dream. And that dream continues to expand as pieces of it materialize. Just a couple of months ago, a brick-and-mortar store became a reality. IMGBAT Jewelry, Art & Engraving, is nestled into a lovely nook of Historic Glendale. That accomplishment was a direct result of trying to keep a fluid mind, open to seizing opportunity. “Luck,” as explained by individuals of a certain mindset.

Jumping toward that opening was not without cost. It meant that I now had two demanding jobs. I had done one of them for so long, it was second nature. Over more than 30 years I have worked in virtually every aspect of newspaper and magazine creation, training, and dissemination. I have eaten and breathed writing, graphic design, photography and the wonderful marriage (orgy sometimes) of the three.

Both jobs coexisted — for the most part — though my jewelry and art business always bore the sacrifice if push came to a shove. Because, I swore to myself that those monthly publications would always be the absolute best they could objectively be, with the resources and personnel available. Two others I worked with for 15+ years shared a similar commitment. 

For reasons deserving of its own separate story, the monthly cycle of those publications has come to an end and will now print quarterly. As all information in paper form — to the great lament of some — withers from society, did our community project die too young as a monthly or was the plug mercifully pulled? Alas, subjectivity and a lack of deep self-reflection by too many may forever obscure the reality. So, with a certain uncertainty, we move on. We regroup. We adapt. And that quarterly is going to “slap*” with the same quality as its predecessor.

Meanwhile, this rapid turn of events has forced my move to become a full-time artist** (ahead of schedule). This is exciting….and frightening. It will require shrugging off all my hesitations and fully accepting what I’ve become… What many of my customers and friends have been saying I’ve become.

And so, the precious and semi-precious stones I have come to love; that I have turned into art; whose beauty I have dedicated myself to amplifying and augmenting; have gracefully — but firmly — settled atop paper. 


*Urban slang term that connotes high quality.

**In addition to making jewelry and laser engraving, I will now expand on the “Art” part of my shop’s name. I will begin painting again. I will offer my rich experience in the graphic arts to anyone in need. I will also more aggressively pursue opportunities I did not previously take, for fear it would take away from my publishing responsibilities. So, if you asked me if I could do a project in the past and got a “no” it just might be a “yes” now.


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