The Six


The Six is a magical talisman created by a dwarf wizard named Igablind Wandwhipper. This powerful artifact, as rare as its maker, greatly enhances agility, sight, hearing, strength and intellect. It also increases magical abilities 5-fold. Created with dichroic glass and antiqued copper.

#imgbat #cincinnati #dwarf #handmadejewelry #copperjewelry #dichroicglass

1 in stock



The Six is a magical talisman created by a dwarf wizard named Igablind Wandwhipper. This powerful artifact, as rare as its maker, greatly enhances agility, sight, hearing, strength and intellect. It also increases magical abilities 5-fold. Created with dichroic glass and antiqued copper.

#imgbat #cincinnati #dwarf #handmadejewelry #copperjewelry #dichroicglass

Additional information

Weight 1.2 oz
Dimensions 3.25 × 1.5 × .5 in